Saturday, September 29, 2018

Japan 2019-2020

     My name is Jack Moss; currently a high school student, my dream is to go abroad to Japan in March 2019. I've desired to go study overseas since sixth grade. I chose to go to Japan a year later due to it's intricate and fascinating modern-traditional architecture and many aspects of the culture.

     The reason which compels me to go abroad is what I will gain; as a passionate learner, it's crucial to create cultural bonds and to use the knowledge I gain to better my country and society. Something that is important to me is relationships; going to Japan will give me the opportunity to construct bonds with people unlike myself, which is the ultimate purpose of going abroad.

     The Japanese language has always fascinated; its beauty has inspired me to start learning it.  It's visually appealing, and it's sound is a pleasure to the ear; I adore the language and hope to become fluent in it eventually.

     Something I love about Japan is the cuisine; it's simple yet tasteful. While abroad I hope to experience some of the best food Japan has to offer. Currently, I'm fond of Sushi and Mochi!

     The trip, however, is not cheap. It's thousands of dollars, and my family can only cover a portion of it. With your contribution, whatever the amount may be, I will allow you to gain insight on my travels; I'll consistently blog about food, locations, and my experiences. I've applied for some scholarships to Japan and was even selected as a finalist for the competitive Yoshi Hattori; though I did not get it because there is only one, I feel it is an accomplishment to be one of the finalists throughout the nation.

     Sponsor an AFSer is an online fundraising tool provided by AFS-USA to allow potential contributors to make easy, secure, and non-tax-deductible contributions to my AFS program fee. Any amount will be much appreciated.

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